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MC Provides Art Scholarships To Help You Flourish.

These Art Scholarships Are Stackable with Academic Scholarships

Applications for Art Endowments and Scholarships are due for submission by March 1 of each year.

Applications are vetted by committee soon after the March 1 deadline. Recipients are usually notified of their award status by the Financial Aid Office after the selections have been finalized. A full cycle is represented by a fall/spring semester session. For example, Fall 2025/Spring 2026 would allow for the award amount to be divided and given out during those two semesters. The next due date is March 1.

While each of these scholarships or endowments is not a fully vested tuition award, it is an honor to receive one and well worth the effort to apply. This award can be stacked along with any other financial assistance or award that the applicant may already have. These awards are open to all art majors. The Department of Art encourages you to apply.